Transparency – Lecture 1

Going into this lecture i was very unsure of what exactly ‘Transparency’ was. Over the course of the 2 hours we discussed the differences between the literal and phenomenal and ideas involving dreams, consciousness and existentialism.

We talked about how the conscious mind and the unconscious mind are not all that different. Dreams, experienced within the unconscious mind, may not be happening in the physical world but are no less real than ‘physical experiences’ in the conscious world. Dreams influence us and inspire us and can significantly change our moods and perspectives on life.

We were asked in this lecture to try and incorporate transparency into our practice and come up with a definition of that. A few others and I arrived at the conclusion that Illustration is as vast and ever changing that to pigeon hole it into one ultimate definition is near impossible. In illustration we are able to use 3D and 2D and animation, ceramics and textiles, puppetry and performance. If we were to write a single sentence to some up illustration we would be leaving out so much of its extensive powers.

In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in our dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves

-C.G. Jung

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