Investigating Character – Personification.

Over this project we have been instructed to not draw any people. We may only illustrate the characters through personifying objects. We were instructed to take this as literally or figuratively as we wished. I decided to take this as literal is i could and assigned a fitting object to each character. I began by brainstorming different ideas in my sketchbook.


I decided to make Blanche a wine glass because she is fragile and delicate whilst elegant and graceful. Stanley is a pair of scissors because he is harsh and violent but i have made him a thin pair of scissors because on the inside he is also fragile and insecure. Stella is a wine cork because she tries to control Blanche but her being a wine glass Stella cant do a very good job of it.

I am now going to begin seeing how the characters can interact with each other and how i can portray emotions with no facial expressions.

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