Words and Images Continued

Further exploring this project I decided to create some (self named) ‘Lucky Dip Poetry’. I cut out lots of words from a newspaper or magazine and put them in an envelope. I then proceed to take them out at random to reveal a poem.

'Design curious space. Create myself.'
‘Design curious space. Create myself.’

I believe this attempt to be quite successful. This could be relevant to people being comfortable in their own space. The idea that everyone needs their own personal place to call their own. A place to feel comfortable.

'Focus to wonderland. Don't leisure on shocking joy.'
‘Focus to wonderland. Don’t leisure on shocking joy.’

I think this one is quite cryptic. It could hold so many different explanations all dependant on the viewers interpretation. To me this text means to focus on the good things that happen to you and to look forward to the future. Don’t spend your time longing for what was because it was never as good as you remember.

I then began experimenting with images revealing words within them. I took some self portrait photographs and began to rip into them. I then placed words underneath them.

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These images are meant to represent how people can tear themselves apart with their insecurities. How bottling everything up inside just leads to more pain and suffering. These could be used as part of a mental health awareness campaign.

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